
Reiki, Massage & Menopause

Reiki, therapeutic massage, meditation, gardening, self hypnosis and learning to breath deeply are a few of my favorite self-help projects that accompanied me through peri menopause The deep breathing can help one through many difficult situations!

As a woman on the far side of menopause, I see the benefits. That was not always true. My passage through was at times difficult. In retrospect I wish I had had the wisdom of my elders to assure me the journey was of value. We are designed to take different roles in our families and in our community in each decade.

As I look back I see a need for women to be more supportive of each other every step of the way. My daughter has taught me much. She has a broader view of life. I admire her outlook and her actions; inclusive and forgiving. She knows when she needs to protect herself but that does not interfere with her giving nature. My wish for her is that she enter peri menopause in good health mentally and physically.

In order to have a better understanding of this life process and not to reenact old negative family patterns, I have done a lot of research. I still have more questions than answers.

There is no one right set of rules for all. The first suggestion is to get to know yourself and evaluate what is right for you. Learn what situations are stressful, what foods create discomfort and address them in a positive way. At all times our bodies try to steer us in a healthful direction. When we don't listen or are not doing what is right for us we have headaches, muscle strain, hives and other cues to assist in redirecting our course. Masking any problem with substances prescribed or not does not solve the basic issue. The first step is to focus on the particular issue, consider what actions could be taken for the most positive outcome and move in that direction. Remember, it is a process not an over night cure. When we are comfortable in our own skin, we can withstand most anything.

Try Guided Meditation

Learn self healing techniques

One of several suggestions to help curtail hot flashes was to increase my intake of phytoestrogens. The following article is a good review on the subject.

Phytoestrogens -- Friends or Foes?
Can Plant Hormones Help Women in Menopause?

Do They Affect Breast Cancer?
c. 2002 Susun S. Weed

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