
Herbal Tea Leaves:

Flowing with the Seasons Reflects Wisdom 

By Victoria J. Mogilner 
Lemon verbena
Originally published in Skin Deep magazine, April/May 2007. Copyright 2007. Associated Skin Care Professionals. All rights reserved.

Farmers--who plant, nurture, and harvest crops, then allow the ground to lie fallow for a period of rest--know well the significance of the seasons. Practitioners of the principles of Chinese medicine also honor the seasons, understanding that a healthy life is one that follows the seasonal cycle of nature. As we learn about the ebb and flow of the seasons and their intent for us, we learn to tune into our own natural rhythms and adjust our lifestyles in accordance with them.
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From Ageless

Aloysia triphylla is an effective remedy for various ailments, and this natural holistic approach to health is becoming more and more popular, but should NOT replace conventional medicine or prescription drugs. Lemon verbena is also known as Aloysia triphylla, and has certain therapeutic properties and the reported benefits of using it internally, in the form of a herbal tea (infusion) are listed below.

Lemon verbena is used for the following

Aloysia triphylla benefits:

  • strengthening the nervous system
  • de-stressing
  • anti-spasmodic
  • expectorant
  • helps with digestion
  • easing colic
  • feverish cold
  • reducing fevers
  • relieving spasms of digestive track (colon)

Which part to use for lemon verbena herbal tea

The leaves are used for making the brew.

Making herbal tea

The standard way to make an infusion, unless otherwise specified, is to pour a cup of boiling water over the material to be infused, let it stand for 5 minutes, strain it, and drink it.

General warning when using herbal infusions

  • Only use the herbal material if you are 100% sure that it really the herb in question.
  • If you are ill or have any health concerns, consult your health practitioner.
  • Do not continuously drink the same infusion. At maximum use for 10 days and then skip 5 days.
  • Only have one cup of herbal infusion per day, except during acute periods - such as when you have a cold or flu, you can then have it three times a day, but for a maximum of 4 days.
  • When you use herbal remedies, be aware that they can be extremely powerful, and should you have any side effects when taking these infusions, immediately stop using the herb and consult your health practitioner right away.

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