
And what happens when you get hives?

First stop - your PCP and a good allergist!

To begin - the following information is from: Web MD

What Are Allergies?

"Allergies are an abnormal response of the immune system. People who have allergies have an immune system that reacts to a usually harmless substance in the environment."

What Happens During an Allergic Reaction?

"When a person is exposed to an allergen, a series of events takes place:
  1. The body starts to produce a specific type of antibody, called IgE, to bind the allergen.
  2. The antibodies attach to a form of blood cell called a mast cell. Mast cells can be found in the airways, in the GI tract, and elsewhere. The presence of mast cells in the airways and GI tract makes these areas more susceptible to allergen exposure.

  3. The allergens bind to the IgE, which is attached to the mast cell. This triggers a reaction that allows the mast cells to release a variety of chemicals including histamine, which causes most of the symptoms of an allergy, including itchiness or runny nose."

    • (There is more information available at Web MD)

And after the hives have gone?

A number of years ago I took a class in kinesiology. The concept of using the muscles of the body to obtain information was intriguing. The instructor used the muscles of the arm to test each class member for reactions to a particular substances - positive or negative.

Nearly two years ago I had a severe bout of hives. After the prescribed rounds of tests and medications the hives were subdued. The tests did not come up with any allergens. Yet, when I ate certain foods or certain amounts of food, I felt the hives returning. Being aware of the changes in our bodies is very important. If I had understood what was happening earlier on I would never have experienced such a major reaction.

With the help of a skeptical friend and using kinesiology I have been able to be hive-free. If you would be interested in a class in late winter on using kinesiology for self-care email me: Suzanne Brown

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