
What we are thinking has an impact on how our bodies function.

The following is food for thought.

Reasons to address anxiety disorders and their symptoms
Generalized anxiety disorder--Exaggerated worry about health, safety, money, and other aspects of daily life that lasts six months or more. Often accompanied by muscle pain, fatigue, headaches, nausea, breathlessness, and insomnia.

Phobias--Irrational fear of specific things or situations, such as spiders (arachnophobia), being in crowds (agoraphobia), or being in enclosed spaces (claustrophobia).

Social anxiety disorder (social phobia)--Overwhelming self-consciousness in ordinary social encounters, heightened by a sense of being watched and judged by others and a fear of embarrassment.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)--Reliving an intense physical or emotional threat or injury (for example, childhood abuse, combat, or an earthquake) in vivid dreams, flashbacks, or tormented memories. Other symptoms include difficulty sleeping or concentrating, angry outbursts, emotional withdrawal, and a heightened startle response.

Obsessive/compulsive disorder (OCD)--Obsessive thoughts, such as an irrational fear of contamination, accompanied by compulsive acts, such as repetitive hand washing, that are undertaken to alleviate the anxiety generated by the thoughts.

Panic disorder-Recurrent episodes of unprovoked feelings of terror or impending doom, accompanied by rapid heartbeat, sweating, dizziness, or weakness.

This wonderful image, The Anxiety Girl!, is from The Ascent Blog.com.


Spring outlook!

It has been a long, cold winter for many of us! We have been walking around, shoulders hunched forward, taking shallow breathes, wrapped in scarves, hats pulled down over our ears.

Spring begins this week. Time to think tall. Get our heads back over our shoulders. Open our rib cages and breathe in.

This excellent illustration by Erik Dalton, called The 42 Pound Head, shows what happens to your vertebrae as the rest of your body is asked to support your now cantilevered head. This motion engages all of your body and can especially cause issues in the lower back.

So--think SPRING! Lift your rib cage out of your hips and inhale. You will feel ever so much better. You could also make an appointment with your massage therapist and your chiropractor.


A Perfect Valentine's Day Gift

Give someone you love a Gift Certificate for a Massage Session - and while you are doing that - schedule a session for yourself! 

Alternative Therapies for Stress and AnxietyNatural strategies for dealing with stress Published on August 17, 2012 by Catherine Ulbricht, Pharm.D. in Natural Standard 

Everyone experiences stress at some point in their lives. Some feel anxious once in a while, when they have to visit the dentist or present a project at school. Others may feel tense on a daily basis, if they get stuck in rush hour traffic or have to run around to meetings all day. So what’s the best way to unwind and catch a break from a jam-packed schedule, barring a tropical vacation?


Lion pose and more

More self care information!
Get ready to put your best face forward with Yoga


Reflexology for Selfcare

My clients know I am committed to sharing selfcare techniques with them. This illustration of the reflex points on your feet is a great place to start your own selfcare program!

Free interactive reflexology maps & widget - Things to do - DK Books

Free interactive reflexology maps & widget - Things to do - DK Books